Friday, January 25, 2013

Enjoying the Fire, Watching the Snow

It's a quiet Friday night and here in the Northeast, the snow storm has arrived.  It is not supposed to be a massive storm, but a fast, and possibly icy storm tonight.  All the children are tucked in all snug in their beds already and I sit enjoying the toasty fire and some Crosby, Stills, Nash.

The snow was so pretty when it finally started, it has the glisten of diamonds in it tonight.  I decided to detour off my normal Path and visit our local ice skating pond that was FILLED with skaters.  What a wonderful sight and right out of a Norman Rockwell painting.  My shots tonight do not do it justice, but I plan to head back when the light is crisp and take some shots.

Enjoy, I hope to keep up on the blog a litte better.  The holidays went forever!  It starts on Halloween birthday and End, on MLK birthday in this house.

Love and Light and here's to a very Happy, Healthy 2013!


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