Friday, January 25, 2013

Enjoying the Fire, Watching the Snow

It's a quiet Friday night and here in the Northeast, the snow storm has arrived.  It is not supposed to be a massive storm, but a fast, and possibly icy storm tonight.  All the children are tucked in all snug in their beds already and I sit enjoying the toasty fire and some Crosby, Stills, Nash.

The snow was so pretty when it finally started, it has the glisten of diamonds in it tonight.  I decided to detour off my normal Path and visit our local ice skating pond that was FILLED with skaters.  What a wonderful sight and right out of a Norman Rockwell painting.  My shots tonight do not do it justice, but I plan to head back when the light is crisp and take some shots.

Enjoy, I hope to keep up on the blog a litte better.  The holidays went forever!  It starts on Halloween birthday and End, on MLK birthday in this house.

Love and Light and here's to a very Happy, Healthy 2013!


Monday, September 3, 2012

I have put my blog on the back burner and before I KNEW it, Fall was quickly approaching.

Life has been a whirlwind and a roller coaster of LIFE as we all go through.  I have one daughter who recently left for Amman to study for semester and a rising senior and a freshman.

My photos have been a wonderful outlet, I am finalizing my website and will be posting from my recent travels on the "Path from Bermuda, California, Scotland and Ireland".

Peace and may you enjoy the beautiful season of Fall.


Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Well, I have said I was creating a photography web site and maybe a blog for months.  Since I love the number 11.  (It holds many meanings) I was compelled to sit my computer and start playing around on blogger.  Here it is.

My site is under construction, but this photo is my inspiration.  I enjoy daily walks where ever they may be....It helps me compile my thoughts and connect with God and those I love.